Bobtails Playgroup

Welcome to Bobtails Playgroup


Bobtails Playgroup is a charity run pre-school that offers a safe, caring environment for children. We built a brand-new building funded by a government grant in 2011.


It is fully equipped for pre-school children and is a great asset to the local community. The fully qualified and dedicated staff can provide children with a fun learning atmosphere.


Children are encouraged to learn their names by sight and recognise shapes, colours and learn to count. There is a topic each half term that follows the children’s interests.’.


Each child is allocated a key worker and progress records are kept on all the children. Tapestry is used for sharing photos of the children learning and is great for parent interaction with us.

Bobtails has two outside play areas. Our front area has a wooden playhouse and mud kitchen with sand and water available.  This area is also great for gross motor skills.
Our back area we are lucky to have been able to fundraise for a canopy that can be used in all weathers.


We have all sorts of adult led activities in this area with lots of opportunities for children to extend their learning through play.


Children are encouraged to play outside daily. Rolling snack time is offered from 9.30 with a snack that the children bring in from home in a pot provided by us with a cup of either milk or water that the children can choose from and pour themselves.


The playgroup also organises a summer outing each year. Parents or carers are encouraged to come along and join in the fun.

We encourage parents to attend our termly parent consultations however, we do have an open-door policy for all your needs.