Bobtails Playgroup

Starter Pack

This starter pack is designed to help you and your child to understand the running of our pre-school and answer any questions that you may have.


You can choose your session to meet your needs and requirements. We would recommend that your child attend at least 2 sessions a week. When you are entitled to your free 15 hours (the term after your child is 3) you may choose how to spread those hours over the week. We also accept 2-year and 30 hour funding where applicable.


All key workers are qualified to NVQ level 3 or above. Your child will be assigned to a key worker and a colour group. This key worker is responsible for observing their progress, planning for their development, and liaising with you the parent/carer. We have an open-door policy, which means the key worker is available to you at any time to answer any questions or concerns. Our relationship with you is just as important as the one we have with your child while they are with us at Bobtails. The key worker is often the first non-family member to look after your child so it is of upmost importance that everyone feels safe and secure. Although all the staff look after the children the key worker usually finds the initial bond with the child and their family.

Key Groups

Each child will be given a peg in the cloakroom, drawer in the main building. Red, green, blue and purple. You will be informed of your group at your key worker meeting. Each Child will have their blue book bag which needs to come in with them every session they attend as well as their own snack and lunch if they are staying.

Settling In

On their first session we ask you to drop and leave at 8.45. We have many distraction strategies and would not leave a child to cry unnecessarily. In the event of this happening individual plans can be discussed with your key worker. If you think your child will be unsettled initially, please discuss this at your key worker visit.

EYFS Curriculum

We follow EYFS which is Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The EYFS ensures that each child is seen as unique, and their progress and development are individually catered for. Your key worker will plan and provide opportunities for your child to complete the age appropriate stages set out in the curriculum. These are regularly checked and regulated by OFSTED and of which we have been awarded outstanding twice running. Your child’s key worker continuously asses your child’s development. Artwork, photos, and progress are put into a learning journal. This is a working document while your child is with us that becomes yours to keep. These are available to view at any time including parent’s consultations and social events.

Snack and Lunch Club

Snack is provided by yourselves which has a strick no nuts policy that is bought in daily in a pot provided by Bobtails. This is a rolling snack that starts from 9.30am with an adult present to supervise and help Water is available throughout the session and children are welcome to bring in a named bottle with water in that they have access to at all times. Milk is available at snack time. For children staying for lunch club please be aware we are a nut free zone and lunch to be provided by the parent/carer.


All staff are regularly trained in safeguarding, and we have 3 designated safeguarding officers. All staff and visitors are asked not to carry mobile phones these are to be left in a basket provided. If in an emergency, you need to take a call this must be taken outside.

Absences and Illness

Please email or phone to report your child’s absence this will enable us to amend our register accordingly. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea, please keep them at home for 48 hours from last episode. Any contagious illnesses please let us know asap so we can minimise cases from cross infection e.g chicken pox.


Each child will need a password. This is to ensure that only named collectors may take your child. In the event of an emergency, you will need to call Bobtails prior to collection and the person collecting MUST BE OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE and will be asked to confirm the password. If we are unsure, we will not let the child leave unless we have permission from you directly. If you need to arrange an alternative collection you must inform staff at dropping time and this named person must know the password.


Your invoice is produced every half term and will be in your child’s drawer on the first day of term. We accept cash, bacs, and childcare vouchers and to be paid within 14 days from invoice date.

Spare clothes/nappies

You will be provided a named canvas drawstring bag for spare clothes, nappies and wipes which can be left on their peg. They will given to you only when they need replenishing.

Contact Details and Communication

Letters are sent out by email. There are always paper copies available so please ask staff if you require one. You will be given an invite to class dojo which is our parent communication app we use. It is important that you join this as we send out important information as well as what your child has been learning that week. Emails to playleader will be replied to asap. During the session if you need to contact us please phone 01920 871273. Email address: We have a closed Facebook page please join. and Instagram Bobtailsplaygroup_teddyclub

Social Nights

We are a committee/charity-based pre-school so during your time at Bobtails we ask for your support at fundraising events. This helps towards resources for the children as well as being an enjoyable evening. We also do the following: Morning coffee: to interact with your child and staff once a term Parent consultation night: You can look at your child’s learning journal at this event and your keyworker will be available. Yearly AGM: This is held within the first half term. Learn how your pre-school is run and meet the people behind the scenes. Your key worker is looking forward to meeting you.